Saturday, May 30, 2009

Will you have problems switching your baby from a baby hammock to a crib?

I am sure a lot of you are probably worried about putting your babies in the baby hammock. The reason is because you are worried that if you put them in the baby hammock and if they love it so much, you will have problems switching them over to the crib.

Wanna listen to my honest opinion? So what if that happens? What is the first priority here? It is to get your little one to sleep as much as possible because according to some articles, which I will post later, babies grow when they sleep. So, why worry about that when your little one is actually growing and most important both mama/ papa and baby have the rest they need?

I would like to share my personal experience with all. So far, I will be honest that I did not have a problem switching him over to his crib at night. That was after his bad acid reflux was over. During the time when he had his bad acid reflux, it was whatever works. There were nights where he was sleeping in his baby hammock, there were nights where we had to rotate to carry him because he refused to sleep anywhere except in our arms, so, we just went with what he wants because we knew that he was uncomfortable. Once he got out of his reflux, he was a happy baby sleeping in his favorite baby hammock.

I think we should not worry about whether or not they will get use to the baby hammock and not the crib. If they prefer to sleep in the baby hammock, as long as it is comfortable, why not?

Let us know what is your opinion or your experience, we would sure love to hear about it at

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